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Top Financial Crimes Targeting Women

Women and girls are increasingly in the crosshairs of financial criminals. Females are targeted for their savings and assets, high rates of good credit and their ability to generate money through work or government benefits.

Gender-targeted heists are often perpetuated by large, sophisticated criminal syndicates. No woman is safe from these predators, they attack those of all ages, races and means. Secure Women is a women's movement to secure women financially. Phase One combats financial crimes targeting women. 

The following five crimes result in billions of dollars stolen from women in the United States each year:

Love Fraud: Love Fraud is the leading cyber fraud in the United States today with over $475 million stolen in 2019 alone. The majority of victims are women. (More...)

Guardianship Fraud: Guardianship law - the process by which a person is assigned complete control over another person's life, including making all medical and financial decisions - has been misapplied, misused, and sometimes just plainly manipulated, until it has become a threat to the health and wealth to our elderly. Primarily, it's elderly women who are being stolen from their loved ones who must then wage years-long legal battles - expending their own life savings - in order to get their loved one back. (More...)

Economic Abuseis when one intimate partner has control over the other partner's access to economic resources, diminishes the victim's capacity to support themselves and forces them to depend on the perpetrator financially. Ninety eight percent of domestic violence victims are also victims of economic abuse. (More...)

Sex Trafficking: Sex trafficking includes the transportation of persons by means of coercion, deception and/or force into exploitative and slavery-like conditions and is commonly associated with organized crime. It has been estimated that two-thirds of trafficking victims in the United States are U.S. citizens, most are women and girls of color. (More...)

Wage Theft: United States workers lose as much as $40 billion every year to wage theft. The majority of those experiencing stolen wages are women. (More...)


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